
“Stephen is currently supporting us at PUNCH Consulting Engineers in the areas of CEO Coaching, business strategy, leadership and high performance. As a keen sports fan, I am fascinated by the sporting high performance environment and very interested in adopting the learnings from it to our business. As a former Cork hurling captain and leadership expert, Stephen has unique insights in this area accordingly and is working closely with us. We are finding the process extremely beneficial, enlightening and most of all enjoyable! As Stephen says, it’s very important to enjoy the journey to higher individual and collective performance and with Stephen’s support we are successfully doing this right across the business. I would recommend Stephen and his Team most highly.”

"We worked with Stephen & the Live Unbound team to support the development of a new multidisciplinary team in the new Vhi 360 Health Centre we opened in Limerick in 2020. The feedback from the leadership and the rest of the team was extremely positive in relation to the work that Live Unbound do. Stephen helped clarify a number of issues for the team including their purpose, their vision for how they wanted to operate as a team, clarity on what high performance and job satisfaction and enjoyment would look like and how it could be attained. I worked closely with Stephen and Live Unbound on this project and I can only compliment the quality, experience and range of material he delivered and his overall approach.. I have no hesitation in recommending Stephen for anyone looking to develop highly effective teams, leadership capability, peak performance or any of the other areas that Stephen and his team at Live Unbound are experts in. I look forward to working with Stephen and Live Unbound in the future and really see the benefits from their expertise and best practice approaches."

“I have experience of working with LiveUnbound in 3 contexts: one-to-one coaching for CEO; Top Team development and consultative forum team development. Stephen has walked the talk - his engineering experience and his sports achievements translate exceptionally well into his business. LiveUnbound provided a personalised, customised, impactful approach with real tangible outcomes in all 3 areas of their work with us. Stephen helped me as a CEO to define my own purpose and that of the teams he worked with. On a one to one level LiveUnbound helped me develop mental, physical, intuitional and emotional daily rituals that transformed me for the better and to understand the power of structure in my life. In the Senior Team Stephen helped us truly connect as a team and hold each other to account, his visual way of helping us measure our progress towards our strategic goals helped us to over-achieve on our goals. The quality & way of working I experienced with LiveUnbound meant I could trust them to work with a sensitive aspect of our business - a consultative staff group. Stephen developed this team to be a powerful voice and force for change within the organisation. We recently tendered for top team development work and LiveUnbound was successful in the tender process against some big names in this space within the UK. I am looking forward to Stephen working with us to build the connectivity of the senior team at Cranstoun to build our competitive advantage.”

"Stephen and I first worked together on a Live unbound "Discover your best" programme for personal development in 2021. The course was an amazing framework and the personal philosophy, advice and vision have helped shape me as a leader and are an anchor point for all significant decisions in my life. I'm very excited to have the opportunity to work with Stephen again on a project to optimise how our management team deliver for our demanding business. I've no doubt Stephen and the team will evolve and coach us to achieve even more. Looking forward to the journey! I highly recommend Stephen for both personal and team development."

"Gabe was an excellent and able partner to Stephen during the two days. They both worked exceptionally well together and role-modelled what it means to be a team. It is obvious that Stephen and Gabe are subject matter experts and bring vast knowledge to the group in a very simple, friendly and engaging manner. It is undeniable that both facilitators believe in their craft and are world-class at it."

The team at Live Unbound have been our chosen partner on a number of important initiatives, from working with our senior team to help us achieve our world-class vision, to inspiring our managers to be world-class leaders. Live Unbound offer something a bit different, seeking to transform teams and create maximum impact.

“I participated in the “Discover Your Best” course from my dining room table during the 1st Covid Lockdown. The course focused on cultivating self awareness , giving us tools to build resilience and culminating in attendees developing “life” roadmaps underpinned by an understanding of our own personal philosophies. I still use my toolkit today! The course was expertly delivered by Stephen and was for me the hi-light of those unprecedented weeks. Highly recommend this one! “

“Stephen has that wonderful gift of facilitating invaluable learning experiences for our students within the challenging context of interdisciplinary group projects. At Munster Technological University (formerly CIT), Stephen provides instrumental strategies to develop winning team behaviours for students executing group based learning, while also providing valuable tuition on how to develop the attributes for effective leadership, a crucial skill for students who will be the leaders of tomorrow. The importance of developing a growth mindset and mental toughness to deal with the challenges of life are also key to Stephen’s teaching. Finally, and most importantly for me, Stephen commands authority in his area of expertise, while his infectious energy and enthusiasm engages even the most skeptical of participants, while it is enlightening for those open to new ways of thinking and doing. Involving Stephen in your enterprise or team is an investment in the most critical of all resources, people!”

“Extern and Live Unbound have been enjoying working together for a considerable period of time. Stephen has successfully supported the development of the Strategic Leadership Team through executive coaching and development interventions. He has helped us develop into a more cohesive leadership team with structure and focus on what is important in adding value to the organisation at a strategic level. Stephen is an excellent facilitator and has supported us in developing both innovative and practical business solutions to drive organisation growth, development and effectiveness.“

“I am so grateful to have the opportunity to learn with you. You are truly inspiring to me in the way you think through your engagements and your commitment to building your skills and capabilities through your work. I have a lot to learn about connecting peak individual performance to team performance and I am excited to explore that with you.”
“Stephen is an inspirational leader, an enlightening facilitator and an exceptional strategic thinker.I worked with Stephen on a one to one basis which I found profoundly impactful for my career and personal life. Stephen guided me through techniques which helped me assess and make decisions on my future goals with assertiveness and execution. Stephens coaching encouraged me to evaluate aspects of my life in a way I would not have considered before. I would highly recommend Stephen for anybody interested in going from good to great or anyone looking to get back on the horse!”
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